Launch Plan

The RightStart Launch Plan

Designed for small to medium sized start-up initiatives that are largely being driven by just a few individuals who are responsible for completing the endless details of  start-up activities, the RightStart Launch Plan consists of a series of guided discovery sessions and tangible planning documents that reflect an organized, comprehensive and realistic plan for bringing entrepreneurial vision into reality.  Most engagements can be completed in just a few weeks.

This package of products and services is ideal for those wanting to:

  • Set up an online store
  • Establish a niche non-profit
  • Redesign an existing website or build mobile for smart phones and tablets
  • Design and implement a multi-channel marketing plan

The Launch Plan is one time investment that will fundamentally change how busy innovators prioritize their time and meet their week to week objectives.

Please be in touch to see if the Right Start Launch Plan is right for you.

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